Foraging with Kids by Adele Nozedar - Hardcover
The perfect book for anyone who wants the children in their life to get outside, connect with nature and have fun in the process.
Foraging with Kids is an engaging, practical book for adults and children to work through together to build knowledge and understanding of the natural world through exploration and play. The projects are based around 52 easy-to-identify plants found worldwide, each one illustrated with a beautiful hand drawing for easy identification that is perfect for colouring in at home. Children and adults will be amazed by the diverse uses for their finds, from making soap from conkers to stopping minor cuts from bleeding with hedge woundwort. This is the ideal companion for anyone wanting to unlock nature's larder and teach their children about the glorious abundance of the world around them.
Adele Nozedar is a passionate forager, a food writer and the author of books including The Hedgerow Handbook and The Garden Forager. She founded Brecon Beacons Foraging, which offers foraging courses designed to scintillate the senses and help you recognize the plants, fungi and wildlife that are all around us.
- Format: Hardcover
- By Adele Nozedar
Foraging with Kids by Adele Nozedar - Hardcover
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