The Adventures of a Brownie as told to my child by Dinah Maria Craik - Paperback
Now a coal-cellar may seem a most curious place to choose to live in; but then a Brownie is a curious creature - a fairy, and yet not one of that sort of fairies who fly about on a gossamer wings, and dance in the moonlight, and so on.
First published in 1908, The Adventures of a Brownie and Some Children's Poems has six delightful tales of the elusive Brownie and their interactions in daily life. Brownies can be mischievous and naughty, or a very kind if treated well. This slim volume also contains two dozen (24) poems for children, including The Wonderful Apple Tree and Going to Work.
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 96
- By Dinah Maria Craik
The Adventures of a Brownie as told to my child by Dinah Maria Craik - Paperback
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